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Welcome to "KopfKino", a german term for: Theatre of the Mind

Theatre of the Mind for 1 to 3 Hours. Always Just the Right Length.

Theatre of the Mind is a popular German book series that offers relaxing, thought-provoking and enthralling movie-length novellas, with a reading time of anywhere between 60 and 180 minutes (50 to 110 pages).

They’re perfect for all of those daily interludes: a trip on the train, the bus, the car or a plane, the hours spent in waiting-rooms or at the hairdresser’s, on your coffee-break or during an afternoon at the beach, before turning out the lights at bedtime, or simply “in-between.”

They’re all you need to fill 1, 2 or 3 hours in a most entertaining way.

Because the reading-times are virtually the same as the length of the average movie, they’re great for couples or groups to read aloud to each other—and to switch off the TV for a change. Don’t let the tube and the big screen monopolize your leisure time: reach for a Theatre of the Mind story instead, and create pictures, from the sentimental to the thrilling, on the world’s greatest silver screen of all: your fantasy! It’s story-time for adults.

Theatre of the Mind specializes in short novels. You’ll find a complete listing here of every book that’s appeared so far through Theatre of the Mind Publishers. Every one of them offers you an extensive sample excerpt—as well as a three-minute segment from the audio-book version.

Every novella is available in both Kindle eBook and audio-book format; many can also be purchased as paperbacks. What’s more, groups of stories that fit into a given genre are also available as anthologies in different formats.

We just started to translate these Movie-Length-Stories for you. At the moment four titles (and a trilogy) are available:

Chase - The Hunt for the Mute Poetess (Thriller) - blurb, links and free sample excerpt: *HERE*
Chase - The Hunt for a King (Thriller) - blurb, links and free sample excerpt here: *HERE*
Chase - The Hunt for the Tsar's Treasure (Thriller)
- blurb, links and free sample excerpt *HERE*
Hidden in Her Heart (Romance Drama)
- blurb, links and free sample excerpt here: *HERE*

Chase - The Complete Trilogy *HERE*

Others will follow.

Sorry that this Homepage is completely in German, except of this article and the descriptions of the translated books, but we thought it's not a good idea to create a full-service homepage, containing only a few books available. As soon as several books are translated, we move this domain to their own place to be.

Have fun!

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